Category Archives: Week 7 Assignment D

Tags generate traffic

Traffic jumped at this small class blog recently, mostly because of a post I tagged with “Google ads.”

More details at Leslie Wilkinson’s class blog, including WordPress screenshots. Many thanks to her for helping me figure out what the heck was going on. And more details and visuals at Innovate This, our shared work blog. As traditional media looks for answers, we need to find ways to use new tools just as we would hone our skills in writing headlines.

Much has been written about the value of “microcontent,” including great tips from Jakob Nielsen. and an ode to fait divers from McClatchy’s Howard Weaver. Tags and headlines both fall into that category (or tag?) and help us all find order.

Small town, small world

The title of classmate Jessica’s blog, From the Middle of Nowhere to Everywhere, only gets better over time.
The first time I visited, it didn’t really hit me how apt a title it was. She grew up in a small town and now works in international public relations. A social mistake because of cultural differences could be incredibly harmful to her work. Her awareness of those cultural differences is key.
But part of me is now thinking of the parallels between small-town life and cross-cultural communication. I remember hearing that in one non-U.S. society, you will be offered food, and your polite decline of that food will not be taken seriously until the food has been offered three times.
Sure sounds like my great-Aunt Teenie’s kitchen in Macon, Ga.
Some social considerations seem to be pervasive in many cultures, and often those broad-reaching considerations are rooted in religious beliefs as well: welcome the stranger with hospitality, accept friends of friends as warmly as you would accept the original friend, be nice to your elders and your in-laws.
I welcome the chance to learn more as the class continues.

Auditory and visual snacks

If the Internet were only a tool for text-oriented work, I don’t think I’d be here.

Yo La Tenga’s “My Little Corner of the World” is playing in the background as I write, a treat from a class blog from Boris, “It’s a gas!”

Earlier, I was envious of the beautiful photoblog link I found through “Lisa’s Look at Global Communication.” I’m not going to link directly to her link here — you’ll just have to go to her place, look around and enjoy.

For me, the auditory and visual treats of the web keep me coming back. Here’s hoping I can provide some treats for the class as well.